
The QUECCLOUD Is Officially Released, And The One -Stop Providing Innovative And Effective Solutions For

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On April 12th, at the Win -intellectual Federation of Communication Communications IoT Ecological Conference on April 12, Qianyuan Communications announced the official launch of its IoT cloud service -QUECCLOUD.QUECCLOUD has three major capabilities: smart hardware development, the Internet of Things open platform, and industry solution. It can provide developers and business users with full -process solutions from hardware access to software applications to help industry customers quickly realize intelligent upgrading and commercialization.Land.


Xin Jian, the deputy general manager of Xunyuan Communication and the general manager of the Yun Products Department, said that as a supplier of the overall solution of the Internet of Things, Xunyuan has always paid close attention to the in -depth needs of industry customers in the intelligent process.Yuanyun, established the cloud service team. After 4 years of development, it moved Yuanyun to more than 500 customers. Its software and hardware integration capabilities have undergone the market test.

Xin Jian pointed out that the official release of moving Yuanyun today shows that it already has the ability to provide large -scale service industry customers, as well as the ability to provide hardware equipment+connection+platform+application one -stop service and development tools.In the future, relying on comprehensive capabilities and architectures, moving far clouds will help customers in the application industries such as universal equipment, commercial equipment, outdoor travel, and smart homes to quickly realize intelligence.


QuectHing OS blessing, easy and efficient hardware development

The development of intelligent hardware is the key to the continuous innovation of IoT applications.Moving communication can provide a smart hardware fast connection kit -QUECTHING OS to help customers easily complete the development of smart hardware.


The moving module is built into the factory of self-developed QUECTHING OS to adapt to modules such as the movement of the long Ble/ Wi-Fi/ NB-IoT/ 4G/ 5G, which can realize the functions such as connecting verification and data communication with the remote IoT cloud platform.Through low -code and modular intelligent hardware development solutions, customers only need to embed the remote network module in existing devices to achieve intelligent upgrade of hardware.

The application of QuectHing OS allows developers to focus more on completing the business functions of their own intelligent hardware. They do not need to pay attention to those complex data formats and IoT protocols, such as MQTT/Coap/LWM2M, etc., which can greatly reduce the developer's connection to the IoT platform connection layerLearning cost.

At the same time, Miguan also provides rich AT instructions, Migang Candidate Agreement, and simple and easy -to -use interfaces, and opens communication module space. It can provide multiple self -access methods such as Quecpython, Quecopen, MCU SDK, etc., so as to help helpCustomers quickly develop hardware procedures to accelerate the intelligent process of the industry.

New Internet of Things Open Platform, help quickly build global equipment management capabilities

Based on moving far clouds, Mo -Yuan Communication has built a new IoT open platform, which can provide safe and reliable device connection communication capabilities, help users massive equipment on the cloud, and quickly build global equipment management capabilities.


Based on the product and technical capabilities of the developer center, the platform not only has standard functions such as equipment management, equipment debugging, firmware upgrades, data analysis, location services, etc., but also opens more than 200 APIs, which greatly meets the second development of customers.need.Relying on the platform, customers can also build exclusive APPs, and enjoy various value -added services such as message subscriptions, rules engines, OTA upgrades, and material models to quickly realize the application of various business scenarios.

At the same time, in order to ensure that customer equipment operates at high speed globally, it has deployed multiple data centers and accelerated nodes worldwide to meet the needs of real -time communication of customer equipment.Laws and regulations in the country are required to help customers solve problems such as stable service, data privacy, security compliance, etc., so as to better and faster global product layout, so that customers who go out to sea have no worries.

In addition, Mo Yuanyun also has the Global Connection Management Platform (QCMP) to support global guidance services, and the SIM card selection is rich, all of which are the top global operators.The stability of the equipment networking is guaranteed.

Professional intelligent solution to help customers quickly realize commercialization

Based on a strong developer platform, moving Yuanyun has a strong APP development capabilities, and uses standard SaaS+APP to provide multiple scenarios with one -stop solutions such as central control hardware, smart modules, mobile APPs, and web management systems.Help power, energy, municipal, agricultural, industrial Internet, smart home, out -out travel, shared leasing and other dozens of industry scenarios to quickly realize commercialization.


At the same time, SaaS+APP also supports privatization deployment, thereby meeting more industry scenarios.Mo Yuan Communication has developed a number of industry cloud solutions, including smart travel solutions, power energy consumption solutions, commercial leasing solutions, power battery solutions, smart security solutions, smart home solutions, etc.

Mo Yuanyun not only provides SAAS, APP, and data large screens, but also has multiple embedded end capacity and hardware capabilities of different levels. It provides a scheme of low or zero code for the embedded end.Outside the group's rotation board, central control, instrument, DTU, etc.In addition, the SaaS platform can also provide functions such as device maps, equipment management, end user management, agent management, SIM card management, etc., so as to provide operators with basic data support.

At the forum at the press conference, Xin Jian also gave a speech entitled "Movement of Everything · Empowerment Digital Reform", and gave a detailed and comprehensive introduction to the development, functions, applications and advantages of moving far clouds.

In the future, Mo -Yuan Communication will continue to explore the opportunities of Mo Yuanyun in the global market. By continuously expanding global capabilities, it will provide customers with more convenient, more direct and better cloud services.
