
Be Chinese Intel!This Manufacturer Leads The Development Of The High-End RISC-V Chip Industry

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Risc-V, accompanied by the time of the AIOT era, has emerged from low-level to high-level applications in recent years. It has developed greatly in the fields of HPC, data centers, AI, communication, AR/VR and other fields.

Recently, the reporter of Xinzhiya entered the industrial chain column interviewed Zhou Jie, the sales director of the domestic RISC-V software and hardware ecology, and discussed the current RISC-in the context of the rapid development of the RISC-V ecosystem.V Enterprise's Breaking Way in the field of high -performance applications.

To realize the self -research of the underlying core IP and SOC, the next generation of products will increase the AI function to empower

It is understood that Saiye Technology was established in 2018 and provides a world-leading CPU IP core, SOC chip, and single-board computers such as the RISC-V instruction set.Essence

With the continuous development of technology, SOC design has become increasingly complicated in recent years.In order to accelerate the launch time of the product, the pre -designed and verified IP function module in the integrated circuit has become an indispensable element in design and development.

In order to comply with this technological development trend, the core IP technology of high -performance chip is in his own hands. Saiye Technology opened the self -research of the underlying core IP at the beginning of its establishment.Through two years of hard work, Saiye Technology launched its own national high-performance RISC-V CPU Core IP 昉 · Tianshu series products.


Saiya Technology 昉 · Tianshu CPU IP technical features

Source: Saizhi Technology

6 · Tianshu is a 64-bit RISC-V CPU Core IP. It uses 11 +-level streamlined waterline, over-scalar, and deep sequence execution. It supports standard RISC‐V RV64GC instructions, supports virtualization, supports single cluster 1-4 Nuclear.In terms of performance, the SPECINT2006 score reaches 9.2/GHz. The relevant indicators can be targeting A76, which can target ARM. It is currently the highest performance RISC-V IP product in the global delivery state.

Zhou Jie introduced that at present, Tianshu has been authorized by customers in PC, mobile equipment, network communication, machine learning, data centers and other directions, which means that RISC-V IP products have officially entered the field of high-performance applications.

In addition to independent development of the underlying IP, in terms of chips, Saizhong Technology has also released a 昉 · Jinghong series SOC chip that can complete various complex video image processing, intelligent visual computing, and various visual real -time processing requirements.


Saiye Technology 昉 7 JH7110 SOC product's main technical characteristics

Source: Saizhi Technology

Zhou Jie said: JH7110, as a SOC chip with high performance, low power consumption and high security characteristics, integrates low -power ISPs developed by Saiya Technology, which provides a powerful H.264/H.265 codec abilitySupport the dual -road 1080p@30fps encoding, display output can support 2 roads and 4K dual -screen display, 6 layer superposition display can provide customers with powerful multimedia support capabilities.The chip has been mass -produced or completed in application scenarios such as open source hardware, PC/tablet, industrial control, gateway/route and other application scenarios.This year will promote the product in more areas, and the shipping volume will have a large leap.

When talking about the layout of the next -generation chip product line, Zhou Jie pointed out that the JH7100 series products are mainly positioned on the edge, but their ability is weak and is a entry -level edge chip product.The overall performance of the next -generation products in the development of the next -generation product will be greatly improved, including CPU, GPU capabilities, codec capacity, peripheral interface richness, and AI capabilities.It is worth mentioning that the JH8100 uses Saizhi's self-developed RISC-V core nuclear IP and consistency NOC bus IP. This is the core IP required by high-performance universal computing chips and the core competitiveness of Saiya chip products.Facing cloud data center scenes in the future, we will also launch high -performance universal computing chips equipped with self -developed CPU IP and NOC bus IP to meet the needs of these scenes.


Saiye Technology 昉 j 8 8 JH8100 SOC product's main technical characteristics

Source: Saizhi Technology

To be the Intel of China, collaborate on Baidu to accelerate high-performance RISC-V settled in data centers and other scenarios.

Because the RISC-V instruction set has the characteristics of open source, low cost, modularization, streamlined, etc., it has achieved good results in rapid development since its release in 2010.

From the perspective of shipments, according to data from RISC-V International, the number of chips based on the RISC-V architecture core in 2021 has reached 12 billion pieces. It is expected that 60.69%of the annual compound growth rate will be maintained in the next 4 years. By 2025The annual delivery volume will reach 80 billion yuan.It is worth mentioning that nearly 50%of the current shipping volume is derived from Chinese manufacturers, and according to its prediction of 2025 Chinese manufacturers are expected to reach 75%, becoming the absolute leader of the RISC-V chip.


Source: RISC-V International

Regarding the current status of RISC-V shipments, Zhou Jie said: This 10 billion shipment is mainly in embedded market applications such as the Internet of Things MCU, storage controller, and network communication. High-performance SOC chips actually occupySmall than that, at present, there are only a few manufacturers such as Quanzhi Technology D1 chip (equipped with flat -headed Brother Xuantie 906), Yueye Technology NB2 Chip (equipped with SIFIVE 740).Power, and our JH7110 chip should be regarded as one of the most mass production performance products in the entire RISC-V SOC.

Compared with other companies, the core advantage of our company is: First, Saiya is one of the best companies made by RISC-V high-end SOC fields; second, while we are doing high-performance SOC chipsThese underlying core IP technology required in high -performance chips.Therefore, from this model, we are more like Intel, that is, by the fusion of its own CPU IP+own chip design, we can master core technologies in our own hands.Of course, this model of traditional Qualcomm+ARM can also develop well, but once an uncontrollable factor occurs, the risk will be relatively large.

Zhou Jie added.As an obvious and more dynamic new generation structure, the industry has continuously constructed an ecosystem around the RISC-V. Since the commercialization of RISC-V.As the head force in the field of RISC-V, Saiye Technology has spared no effort in the ecological construction of RISC-V.

Saizhi is the first batch of companies since Risc-V entered China, and with the development of RISC-V rapidly growing up.When we benefit from the development bonus brought by RISC-V, we are also constantly nurturing the RISC-V industry and contributing to our due power for the overall development of the ecology.At present, we have conducted in -depth cooperation with domestic and foreign ecological partners from the aspects of tool chain, operating system, development framework, library, etc., and provide almost all key infrastructure together in the cooperative industry.In addition, we are also increasing adaptation with mainstream operating systems at home and abroad to achieve a complete closed loop of chips, operating systems, and development tools.

Zhou Jie said.It is worth noting that in the field of processor architecture, ARM has always occupied mainstream on the mobile terminal for many years, and the X86 is in a monopoly position in the computer and server field.Compared with the two traditional architectures, RISC-V has now realized the first landing in the fields of IoT, and is extending to more fields such as HPC, data center, artificial intelligence, and communication.

In order to accelerate the development pace of high-end fields, according to Saiye Technology, the company has completed multiple rounds of financing with a cumulative amount of over 1 billion yuan since its establishment, setting the highest record of domestic RISC-V industry single companies.Recently, Saiye Technology has obtained Baidu's strategic investment with outstanding comprehensive strengths such as technology and products. The two parties will further promote the implementation of high-performance RISC-V products in the data center scene.


RISC-V's landing path in high-performance scenes

Source: Saizhi Technology

Zhou Jie pointed out: In addition to capital support in the capital market, our next -generation products are mainly enhanced the cooperation with influential companies with the industrial chain.Fortunately, in the near future, the capital market is not particularly good, and we can still integrate large funds. In this regard, we show that the technology and product research and development capabilities of Saiye have continued to be recognized by the capital market.On the other hand, in fact, the answers to the product over the past few years are inseparable, because only companies with production delivery capabilities can continue to develop.
